Mold Warnings
5 Warning Signs You Could have Mold in Your Home
By Dr. Kristie
Mold is one of those things, if you see it, you know it is there. It tends to grow in dark and damp areas of your home and is not always easy to spot. Mold growth can be a Fundamental Problem in any home, one that can trigger Allergies and other Respiratory Illnesses.
To avoid the dangers, be aware of the warning signs that may indicate the presence of mold in your home. If you suspect you have a mold problem, it is best to consult a Certified Mold Inspector or Remediator to assess the situation and recommend a course of action.
1. Your Home has High Humidity
If your home is humid, you might have a mold problem. Mold thrives in humid environments and can grow on walls, floors and other surfaces exposed to moisture. High humidity can also cause mold to grow on fabrics and paper products like books and clothing.
If your home has high humidity levels, you may notice visible signs of mold growth, such as Black Spots or Fuzzy Patches on walls or ceilings. You may also smell the musty odor typical of mold spores in the air around you.
If there are Leaks in your Roof or Plumbing system that cause excess moisture inside your home (for example, when it rains), this will increase the chance of developing a mold problem.
It will boost the amount of moisture available for spores to germinate in colonies. These colonies will become visible once they reach a certain size.
Note: Avoid Health Issues if your Condition is Detected & Treated.
If there are no obvious water leaks but still high humidity in your home, consider running a Dehumidifier to reduce the moisture content in the air. You can measure the humidity in your home with a hygrometer that is typically available at hardware or home improvement centers.
A humid environment like 60% Relative Humidity & higher will help mold to grow according to EPA. It’s best to keep your home between 30% to 50% RH to avoid mold growth and its harmful side effects.
2. You Notice Unusual Odors
Mold has an unmistakable odor. It can be a mildew-like smell, or it may smell more like a damp basement or even a damp sock. If you notice an unusual odor in your home and suspect it might be mold, check for water leaks in the ceiling or walls, especially near windows.
If you smell something unpleasant and are unable to identify the source, contact a mold professional to inspect your home and provide an assessment.
3. You See Water Damage
Water damage is often a sign of mold growth in the home. If you notice visible water damage, such as;
- water stains
- discoloration
- peeling paint
- warped wall/floors
- or a musty smell
Get a professional mold assessment. A certified professional can determine the extent of the problem and provide you with the best course of action.
4. You have recently had Flood or Leak
If you have had a flood or leak in your home, mold may grow due to excess moisture. Mold can grow in as little as 48 hours (about 2 days) and spread to any surface it lands on, including drywall and carpeting. If the water damage is extensive, there likely will be mold growth in your home.
If there’s heavy flooding or other forms of water damage (like burst pipes), immediately contact a certified water damage restoration specialist. The expert will assess the severity of the damage, determine the type of present, and deploy the most effective drying equipment to remove the water.
The specialist will take the necessary steps to prevent additional damage to the property, such as mold and mildew growth. Furthermore, the specialist may offer other services, such as content cleaning, full restoration services, and more.
It is important to act quickly to mitigate the damage and ensure that all affected areas are thoroughly cleaned and dried out.
Until you can get professionals into your home to handle the situation, increase air circulation in the area and run a dehumidifier to lower the amount of moisture in the air.
5. You or Family Members have unexplained Symptoms
Mold exposure can cause various symptoms, which may signal a mold issue in the home. If you or any family members experience unexplained symptoms, such as;
- difficulty breathing,
- coughing,
- sneezing,
- eye or throat irritation,
- or skin rashes,
Have your home inspected to determine whether mold may be the cause. In addition, any musty odors, visible mold growth, or standing water in the home may be further signs of a mold issue. Do not ignore mold, it can damage your health.
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If you think you may have mold in your home, it is important to get it removed. If you do not address the problem, the mold can spread and cause severe damage to your home and health.
About the Author
She is a Medical Doctor with a concentration in Family Practice. She also has an undergraduate degree in both Biology and Psychology and masters in Clinical Pathology.
1. “A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home | US EPA.” 25 Mar. 2022,
2. “General Information about Mold | Mold| CDC – Centers for Disease Control”
3. “Mold- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.” NIH, 04 Nov. 2021,
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