How They Work
- Reduce Allergens in Air.
- Filter & Circulate Air while operating.
- Reduce Bacteria, Viruses & Mold.
- Eliminate Mold Spores in the Air.
- Operates Efficiently.
- Operates 24/7.
Asthma and Allergy Friendly
All Brands & Models
LG PuriCare 360 Degree
This machine has multiple filtration levels, 360-degree air flow & more features. Energy Star Rated - EPA Seal of Approval will save you money. Certified by the AAFA.
Austin Air HealthMate HM400
This machine uses a 360-degree air filtration system in conjunction with a 4-stage air filter to remove a variety of allergens such as dust, pollen, dander, odors & chemical.
Oransi MD01 mod HEPA
Remove dangerous Allergens like Mold Spores, Bacteria and Viruses that can wreak havoc on your family's health. Medical Grade Filtration. Efficient and Quiet.
Note: You can avoid Health Issues if your Condition is Detected & Treated.
Types of Air Purifiers Available
- Allergies & Asthma Relief
- Odor & Chemical
- Smoke Air Purifiers
- Air Scrubbers
- HEPA Purifiers
- Pet Hair Purifiers
- Whole House Air Purifiers
- Commercial Air Purifiers
List can change without notice
About the Products
All products provided by Sylvane, a leading online retailer of air treatment products in the United States. They are dedicated to making the indoor air in homes and workplaces Safer, Healthier, and more Comfortable since 2000.
Shipping available to USA & Canada
Products: For a Healthy Home, Mind & Body.
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