
The Air Purifier

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Indoor Air Quality

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Doctor showing Patient her Lung X-Ray

Health Issues caused by Poor Indoor Air Quality

A high level of Allergens in your home or office can lead to Allergies, Asthma, Cold/Flu Viruses, Sinus Infections & Respiratory Illnesses. According to the EPA, the typical air in your home is a top Environmental Hazard.

Airborne Allergens like Bacteria/Viruses, Dust Mites, Mold Spores, Pet Dander and Pollen can cause reactions like:

  • Coughing, Sneezing & Runny Nose
  • Nasal Congestion & Postnasal Drip
  • Watery, Itchy & Burning Eyes
  • Sore & Scratchy Throat
  • Plugged & Itchy Ears
  • Headaches, Dizziness & Fatigue
  • Hives, Rashes & Fevers

Also, Carcinogens in the Air from Asbestos, Incense & Tobacco Smoke, Household Chemicals & Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) can cause certain types of Cancers.

Poor Indoor Air Quality is affecting Millions of People around the world, putting undue pressure on Health Care Systems and leading to Lower Productivity & Higher Cost of Living.

See all Issues >>


Dust Mites

Mesothelioma: A Rare but Serious Form of Cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer sometimes known as "asbestos cancer". It has the unusual title of asbestos cancer due to the fact that most mesothelioma sufferers have been Exposed to Asbestos at some point in their life.

Mesothelioma Cancer >>


Black Mold growing in Petri Dish

Health Issues caused by Mold Spores in Home

If you have an Allergy to Mold, its presence in your home can make you feel Sick & Unwell. It is actually Mold Spores that can be dangerous to Your Health.

Long-term Exposure to Toxic Mold Spores in your home can cause serious Health Conditions like Inflammation of the Lungs and Fungal Infections.

Mold Spores >>


Air Purifiers provide Asthma & Allergy Relief

Does someone in your home suffer from Nasal Allergies or Asthma? As a lifelong allergy sufferer, I was so happy to find out about the many benefits of air purifiers for my condition. 

I have taken allergy shots and prescription allergy medicines for years, and my symptoms are under control more often than not. 

Asthma Allergy Relief >>



Austin Air Purifier

Remove Toxic Allergens like:

  • Mold Spores & Pet Dander
  • Bacteria, Dust Mites, Gases
  • Pollen, Smoke & Viruses
  • VOC's & more...

360-degree Air Filtration System

Allergy & Asthma Friendly

Order Now >>


Air Filtration

Air Purifiers

Germ Elimination

Steam Cleaners

Humidity Control


See All >>


Can Omega 3 Help Lung Function?

Athletes who want to breathe easier when they exercise could get a little help by taking omega-3 supplements. A new study shows that the ever-popular...

Omega 3 >>


Harmful Chemicals in Fragrances and Cleaning Products

How does your home smell? Are you using an air freshener or diffuser, or perhaps burning a scented candle? Have you been cleaning with products that have...

Household Chemicals >>


What Home Buyers & Sellers Need to Know About Radon

An invisible gas may by slowing your home transaction down. You can't smell it or taste it, and you can't predict which type of home will have it. New or old homes, insulated...

Radon Gas >>

Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.

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