
The Air Purifier

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Home Air Purification

Issue: Machines

Machines & Methods to Help to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Allergens & Contaminants in the air like Bacteria, Dust Mite Feces, Gaseous Pollutants, Mold Spores, Pet Dander, Pollen, Smoke & Viruses are what causes Allergies, Asthma, Cold & Flu's, Sinus Infections and Respiratory Illnesses.

Ways to Improve these problems are through Air Filtration, Humidity Control and Germ Elimination. Machines to help Clean, Monitor and Regulate Air in your Home are:

1. Air Purifiers - Air Filtration

For people looking to improve the quality of the air within their home, using a HEPA Air Purifier is an excellent option. After all, dirty air can cause health issues for you, especially if you already have asthma or allergies. HEPA air purifiers eliminate indoor air irritants, creating cleaner, fresher air for you to breathe. 

There are several Home Air Filter technologies on the market today and choosing the right one(s) is a matter of understanding how each type works and what contaminants each one can remove.

 Air Purifiers

2. Carpet Cleaners - Germ Elimination

Steam cleaning has many advantages over using chemical solutions when it comes to cleaning your carpet. Surface cleaners leave potentially toxic residue in your carpets, and don't provide the deep-down clean that a proper Vapor Steam Cleaning can offer. 

While chemical solutions are generally effective in removing most surface stains, steam cleaning is the only method known to get deep down in your carpet to remove almost all traces of dirt and bacteria. This type of Carpet Cleaner will penetrate your carpet to its deepest layer.

► Carpet Cleaners

3. Dehumidifiers - Humidity Control

Mold (Fungus) and Bacteria will start growing at humidity levels above 50%. To avoid too much humidity and too much dryness, keep your home humidity levels between 35% and 50%. If the humidity level is too high, invest in a dehumidifier to reduce the moisture level.

When home humidity levels climb too high and the temperature is too warm, it creates an ideal breeding ground for dust mites. These tiny little creatures cause annoying symptoms in people who are allergic to them including watery eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, itching, and worsening of asthma symptoms.

Mold also grows and thrives in humid conditions. Some people are highly allergic to mold, and its presence can trigger allergy symptoms and make asthma symptoms worse. Mold can grow almost anywhere in a home when the humidity level rises above 50% - especially in parts of the house where ventilation is poor.


4. Humidifiers - Humidity Control

It is cold out, possibly below freezing, and the dryness of the winter air, along with the additional dryness caused by forced air heating turned up high, can be a health risk, as well as plain old irritating. Dry skin, congestion, and the increased likelihood of catching a cold or the flu are just some of the ways that dry air can negatively affect you.

Humidity describes the amount of water vapor in the air and this is where a humidifier comes in. Humidifiers increase humidity by releasing water vapor into a room through a slow filtering device and a fan. The ideal humidity level is between 25 and 50 percent and many humidifiers have devices called humidistats to monitor this level.

​► Humidifiers

5. Steam CleanerGerm Elimination

If you are allergic to dust mites and mold, you know that keeping your home clean is very important to your health. Dust mites live in carpetsmattressesfurniture, and other items, even clothing. The high heat of vapor steam destroys dust mites immediately. 

These machines can kill Germs, Bacteria & Viruses like salmonella, staph and e-coli without using any chemicals, just steam from boiling water. In order to kill these germs, you need water heated to 175º FVapor Steam Cleaners can heat water up to 240º F - 260º F

► Steam Cleaners

6. Portable Air Conditioner - Air Filtration & Humidity Control

Why would an air conditioner be a good machine for cleaning the air? Most Air Conditioners will lower air temperature and take water (humidity) out of the air. If your humidity rises above the 50% level mold can start growing, dust mites are flourishing plus it’s uncomfortable to live in.

Plus, if your temperature at home rises above the 72 F / 22 C level it can affect your sleeping and energy levels.

► Portable Air Conditioners


It might take one or more of these machines and methods to improve indoor air quality in your home. Also, living in areas with High humidity and Air Pollution will make improving air quality in your home just a little harder.



Ladybug 2200ST Vapor Steam Cleaner

Ladybug 2200ST Vapor Steam Cleaner

The Ladybug 2200S TANCS is an upgraded version of the standard 2200S, featuring Ladybug's EPA-certified TANCS disinfection system. This dry steam cleaner creates a...

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